DENTAL Insurance


No Insurance? Apply Today!


Join Our In-House Membership Plan!

Don’t put off the dental care you need just because you’re not insured at the moment. We’ve got savings plans that make your care affordable!
Call Us (630) 449-3150


Yes I Want To Apply!


We’re here to help!

We realize that understanding your insurance benefits and regulations can be a time-consuming and daunting task. For example, benefits for many plans have an annual cut-off time which could be the end of the calendar year or the end of any random month of the year.

Often a patient will let us know that they’re struggling with questions about their insurance. Am I covered? For how much? When? What if I’m not?

Because your health is our top priority we really want to “get it out there” that we care sincerely and can easily help answer these questions.

  • We’ll review your insurance plan with you so we both understand what is available.
  • We can prioritize your treatment over a pre-determined length of time.
  • We can make certain you receive all the benefits you’re entitled to.

We’ll take care of it all, including filing your claims for you. With electronic filing and depositing, you will usually receive payment directly into your bank account within a few days.

At some point, everyone has questions, so please call us when you do. For starters, let’s make sure you’re not missing out on any benefits owed during any fiscal period.

And remember, we’re always here to help.